Aussie Dragonfly

Aussie Dragonfly

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Wow I sure got what I wanted. It snowed all day Friday through Saturday evening. It's funny how things work out. I wanted snow and got it, but because of the snow George couldn't come hang out. Be careful what you wish for huh. lol When I was driving through town on Saturday I noticed that one of the local businesses had someone in their front area making something out of snow. Today I went and took a picture of it. He built it in the shadow and it's been so darn cold it isn't going to be melting for awhile. Today's high is suppose to be 32. I know that we are warm compared to some places, but just a week ago it was in the 70's. It's such a drastic change. On this Friday Caitlyn has her first piano recital. I'm so excited. This last weekend I went Christmas shopping. I'm 95% done. I got my Christmas bonus, so that helps a lot. On Christmas eve my mom is going to come over and then that evening my girls and I are going to my dads. Thursday my niece, Chloe turns 4! I can't believe how big she is getting. I might get to see her tomorrow. Angie called and asked and I told her no way I don't want to see her. And Angie said she was going to tell Chloe that her Auntie doesn't like her anymore. hehe I told her that Chloe won't believe her. In 2 weeks it'll be Christmas and I'll be on my vacation. We aren't going anywhere. I'm going to take the girls sledding and ice skating and we are going to just hang out. Some much needed mother/daughters time with fun and no fighting. As the holiday gets closer I keep thinking about grandma. It's so weird to me to think that she won't be at the get together. It's like sometimes I think she's still here. I bought some poinsettias to put at the grave. She loved Christmas so I thought it would be nice to bring her a little of the holiday. My aunt and her girlfriend are coming for Christmas to help keep grandpas mind occupied. He told me that he was glad, because it will help. He's keeping busy, but he said he has his good and bad days. Just like anyone else I suppose. I'm very proud of him. He's doing much better than we all thought he would. I guess I should have known better. He's a retired military man with a lot of faith in God.

1 comment:

Musicmom-Amy said...

That's an incredible snow sculpture! TFS! Sounds like some nice down time during the holiday for you. You all deserve it!