Aussie Dragonfly

Aussie Dragonfly

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Belated Christmas

It snowed so bad on Christmas day that we didn't get to see my mom, sister and niece. So two weekends ago we finally got to see them. Here are the four cutest girls. This is right before presents so they were very happy. My mom also got me a precious moments which I collect. The best part is that its a Little Mermaid one. I absolutely love the Little Mermaid. It's almost mine and the twins birthdays. I'm going out Saturday night with my closest girlfriends. The twins birthday is super bowl Sunday so I've decided to post pone the party for a weekend so that the men won't complain. lol Well I'll have to let everyone know how it goes and post some pictures!

Thursday, January 08, 2009

So I guess it's time to catch up

I've been so busy with work, the holidays, the girls winter break, and my weeks vacation.  And now lucky me I'm sick.  Just got back from the Dr. I'm on antibiotics and should be back to work tomorrow.  So I guess I need to go back to December.  On December 13th my friend Chad and I took the girls ice skating for their first time.IMG_1573Caitlyn enjoyed it the most.  We had to force her to leave.  At the very end I fell.  But instead of falling on my butt I fell forward on my knees.  Let me tell you bruising your kneecaps is not fun.  They are still bruised almost a month later.  After we finished ice skating we drove from Tahoe to Carson to celebrate my niece's 5th birthday.IMG_1625 She is getting so big, way to fast.  The last week of school was so busy.  The girls had their Christmas Concerts and some other after school stuff.  I had the week of Christmas off of work.  Rob kept the girls until Christmas Eve.  It was a quiet and productive practical week.  I even got to get my hair done.  I got some red highlights put in.  On Christmas Eve my dad and step mom came over to have a mini Christmas with us.  Then on Christmas morning Rob came over and we opened our presents.  It snowed so much on Christmas.  It's been over 6 years since we've had a white Christmas. We got at least 4 IMG_1687inches.  It was so beautiful.   We didn't make it to Dayton to celebrate with my mom because I didn't feel comfortable enough to drive in it.  It was like a blizzard outside. We were also suppose to go sledding the day after Christmas, but poor Makayla got sick.  New Years was nice.  I went to dinner with three of my closest friends then we went to Hill's house and hung out.  My girls got to spend it with me and that was wonderful.  My friend George came home from basic training for Christmas.  He flew out New Years Day.  I was so sad.  I won't get to see him for 5 months.  I think that's the main of my last month.  

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

Well now it's 2009.  I can't believe how fast time goes by.  I'm not going to make any resolutions this year.  I'm thinking that if I do something different then maybe the year will be different.  I did have some fun last year, but there was to much bad.  I'm hoping that we don't have any hospital visits this year.  I need to get to updating the latest things that have happened.  I finally got my laptop that I've wanted.  So now I've got to get all my pictures and music moved over.  I hope that everyone has a wonderful new year!